Role of Content Course with Eric Enge Exam Answers

Exam Name: Role of Content Course with Eric Enge

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  1. Why is EAT important?
  2. True or False: Building valuable backlinks, creating high volumes of content, and making it informational can boost your SEO.
  3. What are the most important insights that the case studies we showed teach us? Choose the two best answers.
  4. Choose two correct statements about users’ needs.
  5. Choose the right statement about links.
  6. Why is Backlink Analysis essential to improving your performance? Choose three answers.
  7. What makes a great link?
  8. Why should you consider a content hub?
  9. Why is informational content important?
  10. What do our case studies about links as a ranking factor show us?
  11. How can improving your EAT help your business? Choose the three best answers.
  12. How do we balance comprehensive content with the desire for easy to navigate websites?
  13. What are the most important aspects of content for SEO? Choose two correct answers.
  14. Which of these is the most important aspect of links to your site?
  15. What are the downsides of using a blog to publish evergreen content? Choose two answers.
  16. Why do people link to you?
  17. What are some of the ways you can filter links in SEMrush? Choose three answers.
  18. What are some of the benefits of informational content? Pick the three best answers.